
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Today I am so thankful for my wonderful daddy.  My sisters and I have been so blessed to be raised by a man who shows love well.  What a great example we had growing up of what a good husband and father is.  My parents have been married for 31 years and have raised 3 children.  My dad loves my mom well, and he loves my sisters and I well.  I think God knew what he was doing 60 years ago when my dad became deaf.  God knew that one day, my sweet dad would be living with four women and would need something to keep him sane!  He has so much patience, and has put up with so much from us!  He has been a great example of what my sisters and I should look for in a man.  He has embraced Aaron, Reed, and Matt and is so supportive of all of us.  He gives them great advice on loving the Rosenthal girls!  Daddy, thank you for all you have done for us!  I love you!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Project Number One

I have a few projects lined up for the summer, and I'm hoping that I actually get them all done.  This particular project started in April, stalled for a while, and I'm working on it again.  Aaron and I have a rocking chair in our living room, but it doesn't really go with our furniture.  It has a green cushioned seat and back and the arms and legs are brown.  I decided that I really liked the placement of the rocking chair in our living room.  It sits next to the fireplace, and it makes a nice little reading seat.  Instead of getting rid of it, I am painting the arms and legs black and Allison is going to help me cover the seat and back.  I attempted to spray paint it (I was really hoping I wouldn't have to sand it), but it was turning out spotty, and just looked bad.  Aaron helped me sand it the other day, and I am in the process of painting.  Hopefully it'll look great once it is all done!
Beginning stages of painting.  It still needs a lot more work!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A little later than most, but I'm here.

It's summer, and I decided that I needed something to keep me busy while I am home until August.  Aaron was a little surprised that I decided to start a blog.  Actually, maybe a little more surprised by the way I told him.  I was outside painting a rocking chair, and I came inside to grab the camera.  I took a few pictures of the rocking chair, went to the backyard to take a few pictures of the flower bed that we worked on today, came back inside and said, "I'm going to start a blog."  Completely out of the blue and random, but I had been thinking about it for a while.  I love to read blogs, so I may as well try writing one too.  One of the many things I plan on doing to stay active while being off from school.

The name comes from my love-hate relationship with being a middle sister.  It's more of a love relationship now, but not so much growing up.  It's a big part of how I identify myself.  In fact, it's so much a part of my identity that we served Middle Sister wine at my wedding.

Hopefully this blog thing will go well, and you'll enjoy reading my crazy little rants!