August is always bittersweet. I'm always enjoying my summer, celebrating the lives of people I love (so many birthdays in August!), and feeling so rested. I never want to go back to getting up at 5:30, but the new-ness of the school year excites me. I look forward to getting my class list, and I love making new nameplates for desks.
This year, I'd like to skip over August. It's not that I'm not looking forward to my new kids. By the end of the year, they truly are my kids. I am still looking forward to getting that list and making nameplates. I'm not looking forward to not spending my days with my Micah Man. I'm not ready. Over the last few days/weeks, I've been asked how I'm doing in terms of having to go back to work. And I honestly responded with "I'm doing okay, right now."
I'm not doing okay anymore. As I held my Micah Man after his bath and putting on pajamas (sweet, fresh smelling baby boy!), I realized quickly that I'm not ready. I feel good about the care Micah will get while I'm at work. He'll go to our church three days a week, and Aaron is mere steps away (this is absolutely not fair, but I am so thankful). A sweet friend will be keeping him twice a week. We are so blessed in the knowledge that our sweet boy will be loved and cared for while we work.
But, tomorrow is my last Monday before going back to work. So, please pray for me in this last week at home, and start counting down the days until I get a whole week off for Thanksgiving.
Praying for you this week. Praying that you find peace in going back and that you feel comfort knowing that Aaron is just steps away from your sweet boy. Praying for the hands holding your sweet boy as love and care for him. You will do great, momma! It's hard leaving them the first few times but it does start to get easier.